Saturday 6 September 2014

Matter Pass

I had a very bad day today, wet tent, wet sleeping bag, but it was not the problem. I reached the pass very early , the snow fill were ok. The way down had cascades all over and water coming very fast.

 At the bottom of the valley several river get together in a very violent way. at some point the violence stop creating green meadows for a few minutes after become into rapids again...

I pushed too much today, I though I broke some ligaments , I could nt walk, I was freak out , in pain I reach a campsite. I had to stop early . I was worry. In half an hour I did all the jobs: dry bag, set tent, water filtration and today a fire.

After Rain Man show up to cheer me up . with dinner some deers show up in the campsite  walking around us, it is crazy. I hope, hope hope tomorrow I am better. Looks more like a just bad moment. Tomorrow take it easy. And tomorro is Muir pass- a classic!!!!

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